Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Change of Blog Master

Changing of the Guard! 
You may have noticed some recent changes in the blog.  That’s because we now have a new blog master!  Valorie Snell has graciously agreed to take over the reigns, and will be keeping everyone up to date on the happenings within Brunswick Art Works.

If you have information that you would like included on the blog, please email Valorie at valoriejs@hotmail.com

I had thought that everyone knew about the change, so for those of you that didn't know you should. :)  I have been learning how to take over for Lee Beuther for a few months now. She has been very patiently teaching and helping me to take her job here. If you see mistakes and then corrections later, please be patient for awhile while I learn. Thanks everyone and thank you Lee. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monday Morning Critique Group Meeting

The Monday morning group met at the Brunswick library this month. We had an excellent conversation about our art projects. We discussed everything from color temperatures, depth of field and all the other usual  considerations we have in a work of art. One person in our group, Dave, is very good at showing that cropping often helps and sometimes even creates two works of art. We always see different points of view and perhaps something that hadn't even come to mind when we had looked at our own work for so long.

Photograph by Bill

Pastel by Helen
Oil painting by Dave, plein air at Wolf Creek

Pastel by Lee   This is a close up of a very wonderful small painting.

Pastel by Lee   this is a close up of a very small painting. Small paintings can be very charming.

Photograph: Original size

Dave talks about possible cropping and more than one photograph.

Pastel by Helen
Colored Pencil by Donna

The beauty of all the greens

Lee talking about her pastel before the critique

Plein air pastel by Lee
Colored pencil of red coon hound puppy by Valorie

Colored pencil by Donna

Oil plein air painting by Dave

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thursday Evening Critique Group Meeting

Acrylic "abscape". Started out as an abstract.
 Thursday night's critique group was very interesting and fun. We had a very good time and had lots to contribute to each others art work. People brought in one or two pieces and one person was new and didn't bring anything in. I bring this up because this is perfectly fine. We still all had lots to say and it's a good way to get use to the group and see what it is all about.
We are a friendly and non threatening group. The point of our two groups ( Monday and Thursday) is to say what each person thinks is good about the art and to contribute what that individual thinks might be constructive information that could improve that piece. It's then up to the artist to use that information or not. The most important part of the information is to not take it personally or to be defensive about it. It is a good learning experience both to hear this and to examine others work and be able to talk about art in this way.

Kelly's Cafe, discussion while looking at art.

Oil painting, plein air
Studying art before making comments.


Some things need a closer look.


Photograph with textures printed on canvas

Acrylic pure abstract

Watercolor on gessoed water color paper


Photograph with slight sepia

Friday, September 7, 2012

Artist Presentation by Marleen Farley

Marleen Farley gave her presentation on her methods and style of art for our September artist. She was very good and interesting. She not only spoke about how to do collage and everything that is involved in the style and design and but the mechanics of the art itself.